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Showing posts from 2013

How symbolization and Iconization of human expressions pushing us back to Stone Ages?

It was relatively a difficult situation a couple of years ago - when mobile had stormed the telecommunications market - to express what exactly one was going through while texting the other person located miles away. Isn't it? Of course, it is.  We had to type in various mathematical function keys to make up the expressions like happy ( :-) ) or unhappy (:-(). Gone were those days where we literally had to enter _/\_ these keys for simple gesture of Namaste.   Back then, when mobile usage was still in its early days, creating emoticons wasn't that easy as one had thought of. One should got to have a lot of creativity to express their feelings through symbols.  Intention with invention combined with permutation and combination along with logic - every calculative and creative aspect was considered to make the human expressions come alive while texting. For example, colon, semicolon, comma, dash, individual use of parentheses brackets, underscore, greater...

4 reasons that make me go against AP bifurcation?

Following views are entirely my own. Neither I support one single region nor I am against anyone's emotion. If you feel so, kindly don't read it. I have all the freedom to put my views into my blog. I am opinionated; Andhra Pradesh (as a whole) is such a beautiful State India should be proud of, rather supporting the evil thought of bifurcating the State. First and foremost, Andhra Pradesh is not at all an underdeveloped State. Its capital, Hyderabad, is one such a rapidly developed and developing Information Technology arena, if someone allows me in rarest of the interpretations, that it was indeed one of the destinations that made every computer engineer in the country swarm-in to build their dream careers. With retrospection, I questioned myself (what else a common man can do in India) what on earth made one single party or an entire polity bifurcate a developed State which has a fully fledged capital developed in every single aspect: infrastructure, income, educat...

3 key factors to devise Content Marketing plan

As the demand for redundant content is high on rise every minute, the production of the same should be abundant preferring quality over quantity, strategy over urgency and should be reactive over proactive.   It is not how vast one’s web portal is, but how accurate the information it provides will decide the longevity of any web portal in this internet-ruling era. Amid many content-rich web portals – irrespective of the metrics they are basking in, marketers apparently seem comfortable in pushing their message into the mind-sets of mouse-potatoes like never before, but does their (marketers) processes en route, actually, qualified enough for a nonpareil content marketing conduct? Perhaps, a big NO would pop up without a doubt. Of course, having so much of yellow journalism, so dreadful nick-of-the-moment developed materials (articles, write-ups), and so unplanned content generation and so and so - there are many issues to pin-point on. Where it went wrong? Well, as...

How cost effective is a Social Media Marketing Plan Vs Direct Marketing?

A need arises The time is completely recession proof, but the business is not – for being a reeler through the financial meltdown. In this scenario, the best possible solution or in fact a challenge for any organization was cutting down the costs and expenditure; operational and personnel as well. During these unexpected doldrums, putting up oneself against the changing market conditions, either adapting new technologies or embracing the competitive efficiency, has also been an immediate requirement to safeguard one’s business targets. How cost-effective companies confronted this situation is our discussion here. A marketing tool evolves Within a tight budget that too targeting a technologically advanced target audience, though it took a little momentum get on with new improvements, marketers have started being with audience round the clock not at their door fronts but on their fingertips. With the social networking on rise (thanks to Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin), mark...

Algorithm Updates or End User preferences, eCommerce Website Optimization at maze!

Perhaps most of us could have read/heard a news item ' Panda slaps 10 year old original eCommerce content site ,' couple of years ago. Well, dug deep into the topic and having gone through the comment section we have learned that that ecommerce website marketer practiced some of the black hat SEO techniques that of keyword stuffing (at the bottom of the page) written exclusively for search engines instead of end user preferences. However, those practices are now rectified, if, at all, you would try to go through. Having that example discussed, we can imagine what could be the worst nightmare of an ecommerce website marketer; their portal coming under the claws of google algorithms. In that perplexed state, which should be the ecommerce website marketer’s first target, algorithm updates, or end user preferences? What practices should the marketer be following? Either periodic change of google algorithms or ever-changing customer preferences, the ecommerce website should be ...