Following views are entirely my own. Neither I support one single region nor I am against anyone's emotion. If you feel so, kindly don't read it. I have all the freedom to put my views into my blog. I am opinionated; Andhra Pradesh (as a whole) is such a beautiful State India should be proud of, rather supporting the evil thought of bifurcating the State. First and foremost, Andhra Pradesh is not at all an underdeveloped State. Its capital, Hyderabad, is one such a rapidly developed and developing Information Technology arena, if someone allows me in rarest of the interpretations, that it was indeed one of the destinations that made every computer engineer in the country swarm-in to build their dream careers. With retrospection, I questioned myself (what else a common man can do in India) what on earth made one single party or an entire polity bifurcate a developed State which has a fully fledged capital developed in every single aspect: infrastructure, income, educat...
No sensationalism, No Yellow journalism and no pessimism. We are opinionated and we write for positive impact on the society as a whole.