It was relatively a difficult situation a couple of years ago - when mobile had stormed the telecommunications market - to express what exactly one was going through while texting the other person located miles away. Isn't it? Of course, it is. We had to type in various mathematical function keys to make up the expressions like happy ( :-) ) or unhappy (:-(). Gone were those days where we literally had to enter _/\_ these keys for simple gesture of Namaste. Back then, when mobile usage was still in its early days, creating emoticons wasn't that easy as one had thought of. One should got to have a lot of creativity to express their feelings through symbols. Intention with invention combined with permutation and combination along with logic - every calculative and creative aspect was considered to make the human expressions come alive while texting. For example, colon, semicolon, comma, dash, individual use of parentheses brackets, underscore, greater...
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