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Showing posts with the label website marketing

Algorithm Updates or End User preferences, eCommerce Website Optimization at maze!

Perhaps most of us could have read/heard a news item ' Panda slaps 10 year old original eCommerce content site ,' couple of years ago. Well, dug deep into the topic and having gone through the comment section we have learned that that ecommerce website marketer practiced some of the black hat SEO techniques that of keyword stuffing (at the bottom of the page) written exclusively for search engines instead of end user preferences. However, those practices are now rectified, if, at all, you would try to go through. Having that example discussed, we can imagine what could be the worst nightmare of an ecommerce website marketer; their portal coming under the claws of google algorithms. In that perplexed state, which should be the ecommerce website marketer’s first target, algorithm updates, or end user preferences? What practices should the marketer be following? Either periodic change of google algorithms or ever-changing customer preferences, the ecommerce website should be ...