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Showing posts from May, 2013

Google is not the answer, at least for health issues

I am a 30-year-old independent male living in metropolitan. One fine day while riding a two wheeler as a pillion, unfortunately my right-leg hit the helmet hook very harshly. But, within minutes a sigh of relief came my way and I had moved on as though nothing has happened unnoticing that the problem was imminent. Couple of weeks later, to my panicky, health-oriented, modern-day young brain, what came as a shock was a circled blood clot, little above the ankle and somewhat distant from the knee. That's it! Without a second thought, like any other current-day youngster, I started Googling the diagnosis process. Indeed, I had spent almost a day researching on it only to find out it was a certain kind of ailment which is normal in 30-60 aged people who are not at all into regular exercise - which I am not. Irrespective of the known fact that that particular ailment will not develop in my kind of persons - workout habituated; unknowingly I was stressed and went into sleep deprivat...