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Showing posts from 2015

Planning for a career change? Here is a constructive approach or career change advice.

An article published on  on Jul 1, 2013, based on a survey, stated that almost 80 percent of employees in their 20s want to change their careers, and the percentage is less than that of workers in their 30s and 40s. That read it could be guessed that a very small percentage of the younger lot were firm in their career plans while others were not aware of what they wanted to be and thus ended up changing their careers. Shoot up to the present , the situation is not so different . With day-to-day technology up-gradation and the increase in required skills to cope with industry downturn , employees feel the same insecurity to continue with their current career . Without focusing much on their freedom to think so, what we advise them to follow is a constructive approach while planning for a career change to avoid future job inconsistencies. Our career change advice: Assess The reasons could be many while opting for a career change. Neverthele...

Continuous Integration (CI), Develop l Integrate l Test l Deliver

An endeavour to cater valuable software services to clients in the quickest time possible had led to a movement called agile software development. Many a methodologies/practices have been introduced as part of this movement, which have not only enabled developers speed up and monitor the entire software development life cycle process but also improved interaction between teams (developers and testers to project managers)  in an organization thus to see the new application get released ahead of time with minimum risk to the business . One such practice is Continuous Integration (CI), which automates the process of integration and testing and reports the test results as quick as possible. In this practice, every small piece of code, written by the team members, is integrated frequently. With the integrations carried out several times a day, each stage goes through the automated build tests and the problems, if any, can be recognized early on reducing the risk...