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2 Unique Factors that define the New Media

Walking by the street gazing at an empty billboard, did you ever go blank wondering what it could be? Don’t stop. Read the line at the bottom or scan the quadcode given on that billboard with your smartphone to welcome some unknown guests on your mobile screen that will guide you through a promotional campaign.

Taking a clue from that, it is apparent that organizations today seem adept in adapting the path breaking promotional aspects while communicating the brand message; clear and out-of-the-box. They seem to have found a perfect meaning for putting the customer in the centre. Whatever they are trying, they are pitching it big for customer experience. If at all the promotions are to be online, they are banking big on the customer interaction/participation.

With cross-Media, display, mobile, search, social, video, et al and with trending promotional techniques like smart applications, games, augmented reality banners, events, organizations, now, have numerous ways to reach consumers so personally.

All thanks to the new age promotional phenomenon – the New Media, which gives the target a chance to have real-time product experience and at the same time the consumer is asked to participate calling-in for instant feedbacks. With its increasing likeability among youngsters, for its agility in spreading the content, the new media has become an important aspect in strategizing the digital promotional aspects of modern day organizations.

Well! What made this new-age promotional phenomenon, new media, stand out while targeting the frivolous younger generation is not our discussion here, but what unique factors does it have to offer to organizations in devising those strategies could call for one.

Responsive: When we say responsive, we meant it not only from organizations perspective but also from consumer’s point of view.

With its portability and abundance, the new media has made many a organizations to turn responsive in order to reach consumers 24x7 with qualitative support, uninterruptedly. Anything, anywhere, on any digital device; taking that as a parameter while approaching prospects, every organization walking towards the responsive design way. Mobiles, tablets, varied screen sizes, varied mind-sets. Thus, organizations are turning responsive, having their web properties designed and pitched for everyone, exclusively.

On the other hand, consumers too have become responsive with the new media in their possession. With 3g/2g enabled mobile handsets/smartphones/tablets and with a better knowledge of social media, every consumer is now game for the instant feedbacks. They indeed have a quick hand to respond or interact with the service providers. They can share real-time opinions with in no time with the service providers thus, can make it big for quality, from now on.

Creative Freedom: Though the new media is in the budding stage, the amount of creative freedom it offers is as big as any ocean. The more you dig into it, the better you could get out of it. As discussed above, the augmented reality is the big in-thing now that every company want to get adapted to. Find one such creative way of turning heads with Jaguar concept windshield.

Now the advertisers can use different techniques to engage the customers. How creative your new media campaign would depend on how far you can stretch with the best possible ways like contextual games, interactive banners, virtual communities, etc.

The link provided down here, will stand a perfect example of how creative and at the same time strategic, the organizations have turned to attract the consumers. It shows a water purifier brand seeking customer’s interaction to let them know how the water is pure until one put their finger in it. You can find it yourself here.

Likewise, in many ways from strategy development to idea execution, with its unique features like the responsiveness, and the creative freedom, the New Media can help organizations to communicate the message in time, within budget and can offer the better promotional environment.

Along with the new media, the print medium too needs a mention here, for its innovative ways of promotional activities, making it big for customer experience. Are you wondering how could one experience the odour of a room spray through the print advertisements? We bet, that you have not gone through any of the Godrej aer’s perfumed print ads that ran in The Times during 2012, promoting their range of home and car fragrances.

Our opinion on the new media and it’s unique factors may differ with you. If it is, kindly give us your opinions. 

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