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How the myth of being trapped should be dealt with?

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Having grown up amidst many customs and systems all through the life, since the very first step on this earth, for being an Indian specifically I have been hearing all those imperatives whenever I am scheduled to embark on a particular task; thinking of the results before even taking a first step.

The thoughts have been programmed to think of the results right at the pillar stone. Wings were locked with the winds of expectations. For 33 years now, I have walked every minute practically with the fear of what would be the outcome than being cognitive of what could be the first step.

I have realized that in fact the seeds of negative thought process were sown all this while have grown to their ugliest shape juxtaposing every task that I start with a pre-expected evil result right away, unconsciously. Had those expectations been goals and targets, the situation would have been different, but alas, they were not. Those were apprehensions, phobias, human psychological syndromes; and all related to fearing the future. In the name of beliefs/customs, we tend to fear about the future.

I would fondly put it as the myth of being trapped; being trapped by the unpredicted, being trapped by the negative forces, and being trapped by the internal enmity. Yes, of course, it is internal enmity – the hatred towards oneself, for not being able to win over pessimistic thoughts.

In over dozen instances, I myself had experienced them, if not almost in every aspect, where I, for the fear of being trapped with negative outcomes, encountered exactly what I had feared for:

-          With the fear that I can’t make it to taxation, I opted for a bachelor’s degree in management
-          With the fear that I might not make it to advertising, I had settled with animation early in my career. However, had managed to pursue my passion too.
-          With the fear that I might get cheated through online purchase, I had processed a transaction that resulted in a shipment with missing accessories.

In retrospection, I sometimes wonder how the fear of uncertain future influences all our lives. And have realized that there is no such thing called pre-expectations of post-results. What we will get would always be what exactly we have wished and craved for. All that we get is through our good fortunes and hard work and all that we lose is the outcome of our misconceptions (in this case our fear of being trapped). The early we realize it, the soon we could get over it, for positive results and for a better change.

And there we have a thing called timing too which would also influence most of the outcomes as respected Radhika Subramanian, CEO of Emcien says

“It is a story of humility because I think luck has so much to do with entrepreneurship. It is something I tell myself every day. I always tell my team, If you go home and pray for one thing today, pray that God make the timing right and guide you to the right timing. The way things unfolded was completely beyond me. It just happened.”

Read through that statement, it seems definite that the luck factor has major stake in pinning down the things. But I don’t second the thought that it is, by large, the only influencer. I see that the luck factor stands a hypothetical factor and represents our unpreparedness for the future.

Like many of my age group, I, too, could not agree with Ms. Radhika Subramanian’s opinion. Nevertheless, I fell in line believing that it along the hard work actually has a vital role in achieving success. But not to the extent that it hinders my preparedness for the unknown waters.

To deal well with the unknown waters, I would like all my fellow humans to read Mr. Leo Babauta’s flowing with the unknown an excellent write up which I think would clarify how the myth of being trapped should be dealt with. My favourite phrase from that is ‘you respond instead of reacting’.

Meanwhile, I too try practise thinking about immediate actions than the post results and try coming off the myth/fear of being trapped asap.

We are opinionated on how to come off the negative forces and grow in life. Are you? If yes, drop us your opinion.

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